Hooded Warbler was found along Barbour's Pond on Saturday afternoon. Northern Parula was seen and heard on Saturday and Sunday. Louisiana Waterthrush was seen in the stream along the tiered parking lot as well as near the bridge entering the Barbour's Pond "wet area". At least 8 Blue-headed Vireos total were seen in the park and Wilson Ave. Numerous Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Chipping Sparrows were seen all through the park. A leucistic Phoebe was spotted in the Rocky Hollow Picnic area. Hawks in migration seen on Garret Mt. this weekend included Bald Eagle, Broad-winged Hawk, American Kestrel, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Cooper's Hawk. Other raptors seen were Black Vulture, Turkey Vulture and Red-tailed Hawk. April's sightings are listed here April Bird list Thanks to Tom Walsh for the great photo of the Hooded Warbler.
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