Birds have been on the move at Garret the first 2 days of April. Louisiana Waterthrush arrived in the afternoon April 1, 6 Pine Warblers and a single Palm Warbler were seen on April 2. Rusty Blackbird, Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher and Chipping Sparrows are other new arrivals. Northern Flickers and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers have increased in number, while Song Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos have decreased as they continue to move northward. Eastern Phoebes are nest building while others are calling around the park. Up to 12 have been seen in a day. Hermit Thrushes arrived April 1 with at least 6 seen in the northern part of the park. Eastern Bluebirds have been seen just north of the stables and in the picnic area below. Complete list of April 1 and 2 sightings click here
April 1 & 2 Bird list
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