This week's migration at Garret produced a few new birds. Sunday through Wednesday were busy days with many birds seen throughout the park. Thursday and Friday most birds had moved out with a small amount of birds moving in. 3 Louisiana Waterthrushes were seen on Wednesday along Slippery Rock Brook (behind the restored warming shelter. We've seen 8 in the park this spring. Numerous Palm Warblers and Yellow-rumped Warblers have been seen this week. A single Worm-eating Warbler was seen briefly near Wilson Ave. A singing Yellow-throated Vireo was seen on the ridge near the Overlook Meadow Thursday morning. A male Green-winged Teal was spotted on Barbour's Pond Wednesday as well as a bathing Savannah Sparrow. Friday had new arrivals of 3 Black-throated Green Warblers along the ridge near Lambert's Observation Tower. Gray Catbird was seen near the basketball court. A Male Hooded Warbler was seen behind the restored warming shelter Friday at noon. Single House Wrens have been seen sporadically throughout the week. Barn Swallows have joined Tree and Northern Rough-winged Swallows seen on Barbour's Pond. Broad-winged Hawks continue to move north over Garret Mt. too! April Bird list Thanks to Kevin Watson for the wonderful Waterthrush photograph!
04/28 - Black-and-White Warblers, Blue-Headed Vireos, Golden-Crowned Kinglet, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, Palm Warblers, Yellow-Rumped Warblers
ReplyDeleteI saw Blackpoll Warbler April 30th Friday around noontime at the ridge near the army tank.
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