Palm Warblers and Pine Warblers have been the
predominant warbler so far this spring. Louisiana
Waterthrush has been seen 3 days. Yellow-rumps have been seen a few days as well. Larger numbers of Hermit Thrushes, Flickers, Towhees, Ruby-crowned
Kinglets and Chipping Sparrows have been seen throughout Garret Mt. Reservation. Winter Wren and Swamp Sparrows have been more numerous. Other migrants seen in the last few days include Green-winged Teal and Peregrine Falcon at Rifle Camp Park, Spotted Sandpiper, Blue-headed Vireo, Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher, Eastern Bluebird, Brown Thrasher, Field Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, and Rusty Blackbird at Garret Mt. Reservation. Complete Wild Bird list for April
April Bird listSkunk Cabbage (
Symplocarpus foetidus) and Trout Lily (
Erythronium americanum) are coming up in their usual places. Bluets (
Hedyotis caerulea) are popping up all over the grassy hill east of Barbour's Pond. Turtles are out sunning themselves at Barbour's Pond. Chipmunks are out all around the park. Butterflies seen so far are Mourning Cloak (
Nymphalis antiopa), Eastern Comma (
Polygonia comma) and Cabbage White (
Pieris rapae).